Our Strategy

The Arts Council’s 10-year Strategic Plan provides the strategic direction for the development of the arts in Northern Ireland over the period 2024-34.

Learn More about Our Strategy
‘Agreement’ by Owen McCafferty. A Lyric Theatre production in March 2023, marking the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. Photo: Carrie Davenport Photography

Our funding programmes are linked to the delivery of our strategic plan, the objectives of the Department for Communities, and the Northern Ireland Programme for Government.

Our Vision

A society where all people can experience a thriving arts sector that is recognised as essential to creativity, well-being and social and economic prosperity.

Our Mission

To develop and champion the arts in Northern Ireland through investment and advocacy.

Our Values

We use our experience and expertise to support the arts sector in NI through investing, advocating and evidencing the impact of the sector.


We recognise the importance of diversity in the arts sector and are committed to being inclusive and accessible to all.


We value our strong relationships with partners and their ability to enhance arts programmes across NI and beyond.

We are open, transparent, and fair in how we distribute public funding.

Business Plan

The actions required to deliver our 10-year strategy are detailed in our 3-year Business Plans.

The Business Plan for 2024-27 will be published following ministerial approval.