
Small Capital Grants Programme

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All Funding for Organisations

The Arts Council has designed this programme to enable organisations to purchase equipment and/or carry out minor works to their premises which will provide opportunities to upgrade equipment and carry out necessary works to ensure they maintain a presence in the arts sector.

We want to support organisations across Northern Ireland to maintain their creative spaces addressing any issues that may hinder the work to take place. We want to ensure that organisations have the necessary equipment in place to welcome their staff, artists and audiences. We also want to support organisations in their delivery of the arts.

The scheme aims to provide grants which will help to:

  • Maintain / improve the quality of artistic activities delivered
  • improve the accessibility of the arts;
  • improve the environment for the arts sector;
  • enhance or broaden the audience/participants’ experience.

You should only apply to this programme if you will be able to complete the procurement, purchase and delivery of your requested items of equipment from notification of award (anticipated December 2024) and at the latest 14 March 2025.  It is important that you consider delivery periods for your requested items of equipment, ie the time it takes between placing an order to receipt of equipment to ensure delivery can take place by 14 March 2025.

Similarly, if you are applying for minor works costs, all work must take place and be completed from notification of award and 14 March 2025.  Eligible expenditure can only be incurred within these dates. If you are unable to meet these conditions, you should NOT apply to this scheme as the Arts Council will not meet any costs incurred outside this period.

Who can apply?

The Arts Council welcomes applications from the widest possible range of organisations and in particular from applicants whose projects benefit individuals categorised under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. In addition, in order to be eligible to apply to this programme, please note the following:

  • You do not have to be primarily an arts organisation, (for example, community groups may apply to the scheme), however, the purpose of the requested equipment and/or minor works must be clearly focussed on the arts.
  • Local authorities are eligible to apply but they are a low priority.
  • Registered charities and other fully constituted organisations which cannot distribute a profit are eligible to apply.
  • Commercial organisations can only apply for support if the equipment and/or minor works is primarily for the benefit of the public rather than their own commercial interests.
  • If your organisation has a limited membership you must show that the equipment and/or minor works will benefit the wider public.
  • Groups of organisations (consortia) working together to deliver specific projects may apply.

Who Cannot Apply?

  • Individuals or sole traders
  • Broadcasters (excluding community service broadcasters)
  • Central Government Departments
  • Bands seeking musical instruments (the Arts Council has a separate Musical Instruments for Bands programme)
  • Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Organisations who are in breach of the terms of previous ACNI grant awards.

What you can apply for

You can apply for any minor work or item of equipment for an arts-related activity such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • New equipment / structures to enhance accessibility / delivery
  • Accessibility equipment and minor works
  • Creation of safe spaces
  • IT equipment to assist / improve arts delivery*
  • Software (pre-loaded operating systems and packages only)
  • Works in relation to upgrading and maintaining existing systems
  • Transport 
  * The following maximum contributions towards these particular items of IT equipment should be noted. Contributions above these limits will only be made in exceptional circumstances, where the applicant has presented a strong rationale justifying additional costs per item: 
  • Tablet Computers: £500
  • Laptops / PCs: £1,200. 

What you cannot apply for

Second-hand equipment without a warranty / guarantee
  • Equipment service costs
  • Subscription costs to include broadband
  • Musical instruments
  • Sheet music
  • Mobile phones
  • Consumables
  • Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If you have any queries about the eligibility of a proposal, you should contact and speak with the relevant art form officer before submitting an application.

    How to apply?

    You must apply using our online system. We will not accept applications in hard copy or by email.

    Online applications may be edited, saved and returned up to the closing date.

    You must submit all mandatory enclosures associated with the application at the same time as your application, ie. they must be uploaded to your online application prior to its submission. These enclosures are listed on the attachments page within the online application and are detailed below.

    Please ensure that you leave sufficient time to upload all documents to the system as there can be long delays as the closing deadline approaches and the system will shut down at 12pm precisely on the closing date, Monday 7 October 2024. If your complete application is not fully uploaded when the system closes, your application will not be accepted.

    If you submit your application by the closing deadline, you will receive an automated email advising that your application has been successfully submitted to the system. If you do not receive this email, your application has not been submitted.

    Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that we receive the application form and uploaded enclosures by the closing time and date.