Successful applicants next steps
If your application is successful, we will issue you with a funding contract in the form of a letter of offer which will detail the amount of funding offered and the conditions attached to your award.
The letter of offer will set out what you may spend the grant on and the date by which the project must be completed.
It is important that you read the letter of offer carefully.
If you wish to accept the offer, you must return the signed acceptance form issued to you with the letter of offer and a completed Bankers Automated Clearing System (BACS) form. There may also be other documents you need to return and/or pre-commencement conditions that you need to fulfil. Your letter of offer will contain details of all of these.
Once you return the acceptance documentation, we will issue a letter to you confirming that you can start your project.
If there are any changes to your project from the original application, you must inform us in writing immediately before spending any of the grant. If you don’t tell us about changes you make, you may have to repay the award, and this will affect decisions on any future applications you might make.
The number of payments we make depends on which funding programme you receive funding from. We will only make payment when successful applicants have provided the information as detailed in the letter of offer.
We make payments by BACS transfer only. You will need to complete and return the BACS form issued with your letter of offer.
We will monitor your grant at different stages. The level of monitoring will depend on the programme from you received your grant and will be set out in your letter of offer.
After your project has completed, please ensure you retain all documentation relating to grant as we may carry out a verification visit. This will confirm that the grant has been spent as detailed in your letter of offer and that all processes (eg procurement, recruitment, payments within your organisation) comply with the conditions in your letter of offer and your own organisation’s procedures.