
Obituary: Michele Strong

20th December, 2022

Sub-Principal Double Bass Player, Ulster Orchestra.

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland has learned with regret of the death after a short illness of Michele Strong, Sub-Principal Bass Player with the Ulster Orchestra for more than 37 years. Michele joined the Ulster Orchestra in 1985 and was heavily involved with the orchestra’s education activities, as well as making a significant contribution teaching the bass in schools, at the City of Belfast School of Music and the City of Belfast Youth Orchestra. Several of her former pupils now work as professional bass players.

Auveen Sands, Chief Executive of the Ulster Orchestra, led the tributes, saying that “Michele will be sorely missed, not only as a valued member of the Orchestra, but also in her outstanding work for Crescendo and her commitment to numerous committees within the Ulster Orchestra, as well as to her local community and the Green Party. Above all, we will miss Michele because she was such a lovely person whose contribution was never-ending. Our hearts go out to Michele’s partner Kevin, her family and her friends at this devastating time.”

The Ulster Orchestra has cancelled its concerts this week as a mark of respect.