What’s on in the Arts
6th October, 2022
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Ulster Orchestra: presents their new Season of concerts. Highlights this season includes:
7 Oct, Tianyi’s Tchaikovsky, Ulster Hall
Salina Fisher Tupaia
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto
Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5
21 Oct, Evergreen Grieg, Ulster Hall
Ligeti Romanian Concerto
Grieg Piano Concerto
Beethoven Symphony No.8
30 Oct, Halloween Howler, Waterfront Hall
Celebrate all things Halloween at this spooktacular show featuring music from your favourite scary films and more! Conductor Paul Campbell, with presenter Ryan Hand, will bring you on a spooky journey through some of the creepiest classics including Ghostbusters, Harry Potter and Hotel Transylvania. Whether its witches, wizards or ghouls, this concert will certainly send shivers down your spine! ... Exciting spot prizes for best fancy dress!
For further information and to view the new season programme please visit www.ulsterorchestra.org.uk
The MAC: presents
AURA – an album launch of reimagined Irish airs, 29 Oct, The MAC.
Celebrate the island of Ireland with this one of a kind event to launch the album of solo piano music featuring Irish Airs written by Belfast composer Neil Martin and performed by Derry-born pianist, Ruth McGinley. AURA is an album of re-imagined Irish airs presented in a more Classical musical language… some well-known, some less so, all magical. A very special evening of music and spoken word.
Visit www.themaclive.com
Oh Yeah Music Centre: presents the NI Music Prize at the Ulster Hall on 16 November 2022. The evening celebrates the best music from across Northern Ireland in the past year. The event features performances from shortlisted artists and a very special Oh Yeah Legend Award to musician and singer from Horslips, Barry Devlin. Visit www.ohyeahbelfast.com for further information.
The NI Music exhibition at Oh Yeah is the only permanent exhibit for popular music in Northern Ireland. There is much to see, including a series of storyboards documenting and plotting the history and the stories of Folk, Punk, Rock, Jazz and more.
Exhibition Opening Times
Mon – Fri: 10am-4pm
Sat: 12-5pm
To enquire about a visit, or for further info and group bookings please contact info@ohyeahbelfast.com or call 02890310845
Moving On Music: presents a series of concerts including:
- 7 Oct, Robocobra Quartet
- 20-23 Oct, Damien O’ Kane and the Ron Block Band (tour)
For further info visit www.movingonmusic.com
The Black Box: For further information visit www.blackboxbelfast.com
Scott’s Jazz Club: Scott's Jazz Club runs a weekly concert in Ballyhackamore club 1a Sandown Road every Friday Night from 9pm. The club provides a welcoming environment for world class jazz music to be experienced in a concert setting. For upcoming performances visit https://www.scottsjazzclub.com/
Portico of Ards: presents a new programme of events for 2022 . Highlights include:
- Simon ad Garfunkle, Through The Years, 8 October
- The Beethoven Project: John O’Connor and Ailbhe McDonagh, 15 October
- Dracula The Panto, 29 October
- The Illegals, 5 November
- Fidelio Trio, 6 November
- ANÚNA, 12 November
To view the full programme visit porticoards.com
ITMA: 'Drawing from the Well' is an online monthly ITMA series which connects artists with archival materials to inspire new art. To date, nine videos, podcasts and blogs have been created by leading traditional musicians, singers, and dancers, including Louise Mulcahy, Martin Hayes, Edwina Guckian and Cormac Begley. All episodes are free to view online at https://www.itma.ie/drawingfromthewell
Phil Taggart: ChillDaBeats is the brand new show from NI DJ, Phil Taggart. Every week he brings you a soft focus selection of the best alternative chill sounds along with the biggest guests picking some brain soothers in the Soul Food Selection. ChillDaBeats goes live every Sunday. Listen on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/0M2IpL7ldc1Rui2aa9meX3 This podcast series is supported by emergency funding through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Department for Communities.
Tommy Sands and Artsawonder: In this new online film series, legendary musician, Tommy Sands, films, sings, listens and learns from a singing five times world champion drum major Alan McBride, two young women, Jenna Stevenson and Wendy Graham Hanna, who initiate and drive an Arts hub shop, a rhythmic drum weaver rhythmic drum weaver Damien McKeown and a young woman Bronagh Kelly who lovingly echoes the poetry of her mother. To watch visit Media | Artsawonder (wixsite.com)
Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich: presents Music Corner, the best of traditional music with great traditional musicians every Saturday. Visit https://www.facebook.com/AnChulturlann/
‘Making Space to Soar’ – New paintings by Emma Berkery: Making Space to Soar is a collection of recent and previously unseen paintings by contemporary visual artist Emma Berkery, taking place in the newly reopened Gallery 2 @ the Nicholas Gallery in Belfast.
The Nicholas Gallery is the only one of its kind in Belfast. With artworks by well-known international artists such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, and Francis Bacon to mention just a few, the gallery specialises in modern and contemporary art of the 20th and 21st century. Opened in 1996 the gallery houses an impressive and exclusive inventory, much of which is privately listed. Director of the gallery Cathy Bustard said: ‘We are delighted to reopen our Gallery 2 with a solo show by Emma Berkery. We felt the timing was right to reopen our second gallery to showcase carefully curated, special exhibitions. ‘Making Space to Soar’ is the first of several throughout the year, which will present an exciting mix of paintings and prints, that we hope people will enjoy.’ The exhibition, part of the Visual Arts programme of Belfast International Arts Festival 60th Anniversary celebrations runs from 5 October to the 20th October with a special ‘Meet the Artist’ launch event on Saturday 8 October (10am – 4pm), where the artist will be on hand to discuss the role of abstraction in her work.
The production of these artworks was supported by the Arts Council NI and Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich. www.emmaberkery.com www.nicholasgallery.co.uk Exhibition runs: 05/10/22 – 20/10/22 October Opening hours: 10-3pm Tues to Fri; 10-4pm Sat Gallery 2 @ The Nicholas Gallery, 571 Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 7GS.
Belfast Print Workshop: is celebrating 45 Years of Belfast Print Workshop with an exhibition at their premises at Cotton Court in Belfast. Belfast Print Workshop still has thirteen of the original members who were there at the beginning and it is a home for another generation of artists who are now establishing themselves. The Workshop has been a dynamic home for printmakers and it is a pleasure to acknowledge its contribution to the arts in Northern Ireland as we celebrate forty five years of growth and development with this exhibition. Visit www.bpw.org.uk
The MAC: presents
Ron Mueck, 29 July – 5 Nov, The MAC. Free, booking advised. Suggested donation: £5
This is the first exhibition of Mueck’s work in Ireland and brings together seven of his key works including Dead Dad, 1997 and his monumental work In Bed, 2005. Book now for the opening weekend (29 - 31 July) of what will be a powerful exhibition of Mueck's meticulously sculpted figures, from mini to mammoth, that act as psychological reflections of the human condition. https://themaclive.com/exhibition/ron-mueck-2
Craft Northern Ireland: Craft NI is delighted to welcome you to their exhibition, ‘Paper Magic’. The exhibition will focus on the medium of paper, one of the oldest and most familiar materials known to man, and its hidden potential of transformation. Through their artful mastery of skills such as cutting, pulping, folding, oiling and collaging, five talented makers will reveal the magical properties of paper in this new group show.
Exhibiting makers: Sue Cathcart, Jayne Cherry, Susan McKeever, Adele Pound, Emma Whitehead.
Irish Craft Heroes Exhibition, view now until 7 November 2022, Botanic Gardens and Craft NI Gallery, Belfast. Free to view, visit www.belfastinternationalartsfestival.com
Irish Craft Heroes is a highly-visual, outdoor panel trail at Botanic Gardens celebrating Ireland’s inspirational craftspeople and makers whose work has contributed to the rich tapestry of craft and design practice in Ireland. The exhibition charts the evolution of the craft and design sector on the island of Ireland over the last 50 years, and pays homage to the many makers whose work has significant legacy.
The outdoor panel trail launched in Kilkenny Castle in 2021, to coincide with Design & Crafts Council Ireland’s 50th Anniversary since its establishment in 1971. It then toured to Dublin Castle in Autumn 2021, and Galway and Cork in 2022, and now to Belfast. Presented by Belfast International Arts Festival and Craft NI | Curated by Design & Crafts Council Ireland | Supported by National Museums NI.
Craft NI Gallery: Irish Craft Heroes Exhibition: To accompany the outdoor trail, Craft NI will show a capsule exhibition of work from the Northern Ireland-based Heroes, giving people the opportunity to see their stunning work up close, a perfect complement to the outdoor exhibition in Botanic Gardens. NI makers include Seliena Coyle, Jack Doherty, Sara Flynn, Bob Johnston, Alison Lowry, Michael McCrory, Peter Meanley and Cara Murphy. For more information visit www.craftni.org
Golden Thread Gallery: presents ROOT AND BRANCH Catherine and Simon McWilliams, view now until 15 October 2022 at Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast. Free to view, visit www.goldenthreadgallery.co.uk
Catherine and Simon McWilliams, mother and son artists, present work together in the Golden Thread Gallery’s Project Space. Taking Betty McCord’s sculpture ‘Rook’ as a starting point, the exhibition is a conversation about the processes of making artwork with familial connections. Both Simon and Catherine are interested in the natural environment, with the rook appearing in both of their works at various points. This connecting motif draws out a combined interest in interpreting the world around them, whether it’s a goddess emerging from within a tree, bursting with life and vibrancy or a quiet view out a beautiful window, revealing a riot of colour.
Simon and Catherine display immense technical skill within their chosen media. In painting or sculpture, they are informed and inspired by the materials with which they work and have both revisited the subject of trees throughout their individual careers.
Catherine’s tree pieces are evocative of female figures, gods, terrifying in their ferociousness. Female figures have played a central role in her paintings over a number of decades from the 1960s to the present day. In moments of transition, the figures metamorphose into Celtic goddesses and rise above with a sense of joyous freedom.
The cherry tree for Simon might be aligned with his attitude towards paint as a medium. It continues to flower even as the world around changes, adapting to its environment much as he has introduced new materials and new techniques into his more recent works.
The McWilliams hail from a family of artists and this history and connection informs and speaks through their work. They engage with the act of creating in a unique and personal way, using paint for its endurance through generations and ultimately its versatility. The interpretative power of paint is core to their work and acts as an additional connector which, as with the images of trees, continues to provide something beautiful, revelatory and enduring.
CCA: presents Fugitive Seeds, 19 Oct – 21 Dec.
Curated by Borbála Soós, Fugitive Seeds, considers how endemic, alien and fugitive seeds connect to colonial histories including in Northern Ireland and more specifically Derry~Londonderry and its port.
The works included help unearth layered histories around plant and human migration and border ecologies. The exhibition and related events reflect on how histories of botanical, zoological and ethno-anthropological explorations have contributed to producing the Other, and the exoticization of certain species and peoples. They consider changing ecologies and (national) identities through stories of belonging, displacement and uprootedness and investigate the feeling of loss when thinking about the connections with far-away lands that might hold clues for one's identity.
Visit www.ccadld.org for further details and background.
Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich:.For further details visit www.culturlann.ie
VOID Gallery:
Void’s Curiosity Club
Saturday 29th October 12-4pm
The Curiosity Club gets spooky on Saturday 29th October as we invite families to come along and make Halloween-inspired crafts. Activities include, mask making, making your own trick-or-treat bag, cotton bud skeletons and spooky paper lanterns.
The Curiosity Club will be filled with various materials, activity prompts and mediums for your little ones to experiment with and unleash their inner artist. No need for booking, just pop along to Void at 10 Waterloo Place, Derry, BT48 6BU.
Spooky Halloween Suncatchers - art packs
Available to collect from 18th October. Create your own spooky suncatcher to place in your windows this Halloween! In your art pack you will find all the materials needed to make a suncatcher. Packs can be collected in the gallery with a limited number available by post from the 18th of October. Email hello@derryvoid.com and please include a postal address to order yours.
Exhibition-inspired drawing booklets
VOID’s drawing booklets are inspired by their current exhibition Being in a Place: A Portrait of Margaret Tait and are now available in the gallery! Explore the exhibition through explorative drawing exercises! Why not pick one up when you visit the gallery?
These booklets are free, suitable for all ages, and available at the front desk throughout the duration of the exhibition. Please note, younger children may need help from a parent when reading the drawing prompts but will still be able to engage in this activity.
Void Visionaries ‘Composites of:’
20 - 27 October, with a soft opening on 20 October. Details to follow - stay tuned to a href="https://www.derryvoid.com/">www.derryvoid.com for more!
Belfast Exposed: presents HERE – Mairéad McClean, Gallery I & Studio Gallery, 6th October – 17th December 2022. Belfast Exposed is delighted to present HERE, the latest solo exhibition from award-winning Northern Irish visual artist Mairéad McClean, examining one of the most contentious episodes of recent Northern Irish history through a personal lens.
The exhibition features a number of McClean’s key works - including newly produced film, print and sculptural pieces - developed from the artist’s family records and images from the historic Belfast Exposed Archive.
Dominating one gallery wall is the site-specific work Learning to Read: Northern Ireland 1971 (2022). This piece uses characters from the reading book series ‘Janet and John’ as an ‘aide-mémoire’ to a time when tensions and anxieties in wider society were felt by those growing up in Northern Ireland.
This new work links to McClean’s award-winning film No More (2013), which is presented here in a split screen projection with the film Broadcast (2016). Entitled Dialogue (2021), this work retells through story, history and memory the period of McClean’s father's internment in Long Kesh prison in 1971/72. This version has new inflections and rhythms and as Shirley MacWilliam writes in the accompanying catalogue essay ‘the film is now oral history, offering up co-incidences and new realisations.’
As HERE seeks to explore what it means to be ‘of’, as opposed to being ‘from' a place, the use of photographs from the Belfast Exposed Archive is essential. Containing over one million images, the Archive is the largest of its kind in Northern Ireland. Not only does the Archive contain a record of the Troubles, but it is also an unprecedented record of everyday life in Northern Ireland during the last four decades, shot through both professional and amateur lenses.
McClean has been able to draw from this unique historical resource while creating new work made for HERE. The work unfolds the complexity of her experience and understanding of the place where she grew up.
Visit www.belfastexposed.org
ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE
Tue – Fri: 11am to 6pm ; Sat: Noon to 5pm
All artworks are available to buy. You can also buy art from this exhibition through the Arts Council supported Own Art scheme which gives you an interest-free loan over 10 months (and you still get to take the art home immediately the exhibition ends). Visit www.artisann.org
Waterside Theatre and Arts Centre: the Spread The Word Literary Festival continues until 8 October. This is a new week-long literary festival for people of all ages in Derry/Londonderry and the wider North-West. With talks, readings, workshops, exhibitions and many more events by world-renowned and local authors, poets and illustrators. The festival features Serena Terry aka Mammy Banter, writer Lucy Caldwell, poet Lemn Sissay. PJ Lynch, Ten X9 plus many more. There’s something for EVERYONE! For the full programme visit www.watersidetheatreni.com
Belfast International Arts Festival: The 60th Belfast International Arts Festival (BIAF) is now on with a programme of events that addresses the current and future nature and role of arts and culture in society, the contemporary issues that are influencing our international artists, and Northern Ireland’s place in the global world.
From October 5 to November 6, over 320 imaginative, inspiring and intriguing events spanning across the artistic disciplines of music, theatre, dance, film, visual arts and discussion will be hosted throughout the city of Belfast for all to engage with and enjoy. Some of the many highlights include:
- Irish Craft Heroes, 29 July – 7 November, Botanic Gardens. This exhibition charts the evolution of the craft and design sector on the island of Ireland over the last 50 years, and pays homage to the many makers whose work has significant legacy.
- Dinner with Groucho by Frank McGuinness, 5-9 Oct, The MAC. An evening that promises blistering wit, brilliant buffoonery, and reflections on the ephemeral nature of life from the award-winning writer of such iconic plays as Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me and The Factory Girls comes this fast-paced fictional dinner date like no other.
- Propaganda: A New Musical, Lyric Theatre. With a Broadway influenced score, a live 14-piece orchestra and stellar cast, Propaganda promises to be a musical for our time. Commissioned by the Lyric Theatre, and developed with the Lyric New Writing department, Propaganda: A New Musical by double Ivor Novello- nominated composer Conor Mitchell is an old fashioned Soviet love story
- Cahoots NI presents The Ghost House, 14-31 Oct, Cityside Retail and Leisure Park. Journey into a shadowy world of shipwrecks and sword fights, through the thin veil that separates our world from the world we call, ‘the past’. Secrets emerge and things definitely go bump in the night in this seriously spooky story! The Ghost House is a walk-through theatre experience in a custom built, multi-space set, featuring live performances, magic, digital technology and dance from Cahoots, makers of The Grimm Hotel (BIAF 2021).
- AURA – an album launch of reimagined Irish airs, 29 Oct, The MAC. Celebrate the island of Ireland with this one of a kind event to launch the album of solo piano music featuring Irish Airs written by Belfast composer Neil Martin and performed by Derry-born pianist, Ruth McGinley. AURA is an album of re-imagined Irish airs presented in a more Classical musical language… some well-known, some less so, all magical. A very special evening of music and spoken word.
- Big Telly: presents Frankenstein’s Monster Is Drunk And The Sheep Have All Jumped The Fences, 14-22 Oct, Brian Friel Theatre. The story begins in 1946, when they dig Frankenstein’s monster out of a glacier, where he’d crawled after his Hollywood career had given up the ghost. Fully defrosted, he meets his match, a spark which ignites a love story of monstrous proportions, a duet of undateables who stand out and fit in and forge their own brutiful brand of domestic bliss in a small holding with their 67 (Italian) blue sheep. Where comedy is pitch black and horror gets a happy ever after, this wildly fresh look at the Frankenstein myth is provocative, topical and tailor made for critically acclaimed theatre mavericks, and festival favourites, Big Telly. Age guidance: 14 Yrs +.
- AMBIGUITIES - Poetry Jukebox at Crescent Arts Centre, 5 Oct – 6 Nov. Twenty contemporary poets present new poems projecting 100 years into the future. In the context of a turbulent present – the centenary of partition, the climate crisis, and the troubled modern world – Quotidian commissioned twenty of our finest and most innovative poets to project their vision one hundred years into the future; the result is AMBIGUITIES. Poets in this special Poetry Jukebox edition include, Conor Cleary, Anna Loughran, Annemarie Ní Chuirreann, Cathal Póirtéir, Charles Lang, Mel McMahon, Cherry Smyth, Kerri Ní Dochartaigh, John Kelly, Nandi Jola, Linda McKenna, Susannah Dickey, Jess McKinney, Emily Cooper, Gerald Dawe, Allan Gillis, Scott McKendry, Sacha White, Paul Maddern and Siobhan Campbell.
There are many more theatre, visual arts, music, comedy, film and talks events available to view and book at www.belfastinternationalartsfestival.com
Bounce Festival: is back from 7-9 October. Bounce is the annual arts festival produced by University of Atypical that showcases outstanding new work by D/deaf, disabled and neurodiverse artists, writers, producers, actors, dancers, musicians and directors.
Bounce events are made as accessible as possible to disabled and D/deaf audiences, but Bounce is for everyone! The festival is perfect for people with open minds and an appreciation of diverse and unique creative talent.
For more information go to www.universityofatypical.org/bounce
City of Derry International Choir Festival: The 10th City of Derry International Choir Festival will take place from 19 - 23 October 2022 featuring gala concerts, live performances, pop-up shows and world-class choral events. Highlights include:
‘Come Sing’ with Phil Coulter
Kicking things off for the festival on October 8, members of the public are invited to join music legend Phil Coulter at Derry’s Ebrington Square on Saturday October 8 at 2pm for a one-off ‘Come and Sing’ event, which will see the star and his fans perform iconic hit ‘The Town I Love So Well’.
Get romantic with poems and song
Set in the stunning surroundings of Derry’s Guildhall, the Polish Radio Choir is set to deliver a world-class performance as part of the 10th City of Derry International Choir Festival. The choral ensemble will present a unique collection of works by some of Poland’s most accomplished and best-known composers.
Marking this historic ‘Year of Polish Romanticism’ the compositions are set to the poetry of some of the country’s most influential Romantics, promising a wonderful night of culture for all. The event takes place on Thursday October 20 in the Guildhall at 7.30pm.
Enjoy a late-night choral experience at St Eugene’s Cathedral
For a spine-tingling experience join award-winning, internationally-acclaimed Derry chamber choir Codetta for a late-night performance of Durufle’s glorious Requiem in the beautiful surroundings of St Eugene’s Cathedral. Codetta will be joined by members of Mexico’s Opera Studio Beckmann for what promises to be a wonderful evening of choral music.
Conducted by the festival’s Artistic Director Dónal Doherty with former St Columb’s Cathedral organist Tim Allen. It will take place on Friday October 21 in St Eugene’s Cathedral at 10pm
See the best in choral singing from around the world
In a highlight of the festival, some of the finest International Choirs taking part will compete to be crowned winner of the coveted 2022 Oak Tree of Derry International Competition on Saturday October 22 in the Guildhall at 8pm.
Adjudicated by a panel of choral directors from across Europe and the USA, each choir will present a diverse programme of music featuring a piece from their own native country, as well as a work by an Irish composer. The winning choir will be announced at the Closing Gala Concert and Awards Ceremony on Sunday October 23.
Visit www.derrychoirfest.com
Sound of Belfast: The Oh Yeah Music Centre has announced details of its Sound of Belfast 2022 programme. Now in its 9th year, this annual celebration, dedicated to the sounds of the city will be live and reverberating across Belfast 10th – 20th November.
The festival starts with Get On It to mark the second birthday of Yeo Magazine. Oh Yeah is also hosting its own 15th birthday bash with DJs, cake and more. There’s the annual NI Music Prize, which will see a presentation to and performance from Barry Devlin and Horslips friends. Other festival highlights include Dana Masters, Winnie Ama and Siobhan Brown who will mark a very special event at the Mandela Hall highlighting the legacy and impact of Ottilie Patterson.
Foodstock a local charity will run a very important night, also at the Mandel Hall with special guest John Power (Cast/The La’s) and Sound of Belfast overall is encouraging audiences to bring along food items to gigs at Oh Yeah for the duration of the festival.
Following on from the recent Freedom of The City concert, there will be a very special event at Oh Yeah called ‘We’re all in this’ featuring performances from the six artists including Ferna, Robin Price, Anselm O’Donnell, Cheylene Murphy, Stephen Loughran & Brigid O’Neill who were partnered in a residency with Open Arts, ANAKA, ACSONI, Hosford Project, Victoria Park Primary School & Newington Day Centre.
There’s an excellent hip-hop night lined up at the Empire presented by and including Leo Miyagee. Other great and brilliant artists and events to look out for include Gareth Dunlop, David Lyttle presents Jazzlife, Virgins EP launch, Villagers at The Mac, Modern Love at the Deer’s Head, Ciara O Neill at the Sunflower, with Family Tribe at The American Bar and Joel Harkin at the Duncairn. The list goes on.
The programme also will as always include Music Cities Day presented in partnership with Music Connections. You will hear from Serenade, Water & Music, Musicians Union, PRS Foundation and MOBO Unsung, with more speakers to be announced in the coming weeks. There will be a crucial discussion on the nighttime economy with Carly Heath of Bristol City Council and discussion on climate change with Music Declares Emergency.
Sound of Belfast runs between 10th – 20 November and full details can be found at www.soundofbelfast.com
Quotidian: presents the following as part of this year’s Belfast International Arts Festival
- 5 rue des Irlandais - Poetry Jukebox: 8th October 1.00 pm- An Culturlann MacAdam O'Fiach - 5 rue des Irlandais, with Centre Culturel Irlandais, trilingual curation of Poetry Jukebox, in French, Irish and English. All welcome. No booking necessary.
- AMBIGUITIES - Poetry Jukebox at Crescent Arts Centre, 5 Oct – 6 Nov. Twenty contemporary poets present new poems projecting 100 years into the future. In the context of a turbulent present – the centenary of partition, the climate crisis, and the troubled modern world – Quotidian commissioned twenty of our finest and most innovative poets to project their vision one hundred years into the future; the result is AMBIGUITIES. Poets in this special Poetry Jukebox edition include, Conor Cleary, Anna Loughran, Annemarie Ní Chuirreann, Cathal Póirtéir, Charles Lang, Mel McMahon, Cherry Smyth, Kerri Ní Dochartaigh, John Kelly, Nandi Jola, Linda McKenna, Susannah Dickey, Jess McKinney, Emily Cooper, Gerald Dawe, Allan Gillis, Scott McKendry, Sacha White, Paul Maddern and Siobhan Campbell.
- On 13th October, 7.30pm at The Cube at the Crescent Arts Centre - AMBIGUITIES will present a very special curation of Poetry Jukebox featuring live readings from the poets taking part.
- On 15th October Scott McKendry will do a writing workshop at The Crescent Arts Centre on the theme of AMBIGUITIES.
- BIND will be screened at the QFT from 23 Oct to 6 Nov. Bind is a sumptuous poetry and dance film set in the exquisite Robinson Library in Armagh. An innovative cross art-form collaboration, directed by leading choreographer Eileen McClory, with original text by poet and producer Maria McManus. BIND explores the legacy of binds between past and present, the tension between elevation, elites and access to knowledge, progress and change, the visibility and constraints on women, and how a visionary institution contributes to progress in the modern world. Note: In-person screening on Sat 22 Oct at 4pm in QFT, tickets £4. It will be followed by a Q&A with members of the creative team such as Director & Choreographer Eileen McClory, poet and producer Maria McManus, filmmaker Conan McIvor and Composer Katie Richardson
- Acts of Commission. Quotidian bring you two newly commissioned poems; What Pa Saw at the Benders by Sinéad Morrissey and The Vocation by Nick Laird. In digital video podcasts Poetry Ireland editor Nessa O’Mahoney talks with Sinéad Morrissey and Nick Laird. Tune in to hear them read and discuss their poems and creative processes. Pocket poems – Ever playful, fresh and innovative, Quotidian will also produce limited edition ‘business cards’ for your wallet or pocket. These collectable cards will include a scannable QR code link to the poets’ audio recordings – look out for your free copy at many of the festival venues!
- Conversations of IMPERMANENCE presented by Centre Cultural Irlandais and No Alibis Press. As the tectonic plates of our culture, society, politics and climate move and shift, and much that once seemed permanent now appears much less so, join us for a conversation on impermanence. Impermanence is a collection co-edited by Centre Culturel Irlandais Director Nora Hickey M’Sichili and author Neil Hegarty of 12 essays by writers from or living in Northern Ireland. Commissioned and produced by the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris and published by No Alibis Press, these essays are written against the backdrop of Brexit, the Covid pandemic and the centenary of the partition of Ireland. Contributors Maria McManus and Gail McConnell and the book’s co-editor Neil Hegarty reflect upon the book’s themes, and suggest ways of looking at our past, present and future.
Moderated by Denzil McDaniel. Impermanence was supported by Culture Ireland, the Department of Foreign Affairs Ireland, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the British Council of Northern Ireland.
Big Telly Theatre Company: presents, Frankenstein is drunk and the sheep have all jumped the fences. The story begins in 1946, when they dig Frankenstein’s monster out of a glacier, where he’d crawled after his Hollywood career had given up the ghost.
Fully defrosted, he meets his match, a spark which ignites a love story of monstrous proportions, a duet of undateables who stand out and fit in and forge their own brutiful brand of domestic bliss in a small holding with their 67 (Italian) blue sheep. Where comedy is pitch black and horror gets a happy ever after, this wildly fresh look at the Frankenstein myth is provocative, topical and tailor made for critically acclaimed theatre mavericks, and festival favourites, Big Telly.
Aisling Ghéar: presents Minimal Human Contact by Naoise Ó Cairealláin from 26 September to 1 November at An Cultúrlann. A new voice from the urban Gaeltacht of West Belfast.
Glór úr as Gaeltacht urbach Iarrthar Bhéal Feirste. Déanann an seó aonar seo mionscagadh archearrbhachais neamhsrianta, le toradh cairtairseach a nochtadh. Cróga, dian agus i nGaeilge seo é an dráma úr scríofa ag rápalaí Móglaí Bap as KNEECAP.
This one man show delves deep into the world of compulsive gambling to produce cathartic results. Gritty, intense and performed in Irish, this new play is written by award-winning rapper Móglaí Bap from KNEECAP. Book at www.belfastinternationalartsfestival.com
The Playhouse: presents the following,
- The Annie Keating Band, 9 October
- Nuala McKeever – Life Bites, 15 October
- Don Vappie and Jazz Creole, 12 November
- Lilliput Christmas Craft Fair, 19 November
- The Producers, 9-20 November
- Beyond Belief – The Life and Mission of John Hume, 31 March-7 April 2023
For a full programme and tickets visit www.derryplayhouse.co.uk
Waterside Theatre and Arts Centre:
- The Spread the Word Literary Festival continues until 8 October. The festival features Serena Terry aka Mammy Banter, writer Lucy Caldwell, poet Lemn Sissay. PJ Lynch, Ten X9 plus many more. There’s something for EVERYONE!
- LDN Wrestling, 14 October
- Born to Be Wild, 15 October
- KJ Hauntings Paranormal Investigators Halloween Screening, 28 October
- Slippery When Wet, Bon Jovi cover band, 4 November
- Pat Shortt and Faye Shortt Live in Well, 11 November
- Family Shark Show, 12 November
Visit www.watersidetheatreni.com
Linen Hall Library: the Linen Hall Library is a truly unique institution. Founded in 1788, it is the oldest library in Belfast. The library is free for all to enter and enjoy. The Linen Hall Library offers a year-round programme of arts and cultural events featuring authors, academics, historians, performers, and much more. To view the events programme visit www.linenhall.com
The Linen Hall Announces Ulster-Scots Writing Competition
With the support of the Ulster-Scots Agency, The Linen Hall will be hosting an Ulster–Scots writing competition this Autumn. There will be two competition categories, one for prose and one for poetry. The winner for each section will receive £500 and one runner-up for each section will receive £250. The winners will be announced during Burns Week in January 2023 and the winning entries will be published in a special edition anthology. A distinguished panel of judges has been assembled to adjudicate Dr Frank Ferguson, Ally Heather and Dr Carol Baraniuk.
The deadline for entry is Tuesday 1st November at 5 pm, and below you can find the Ulster-Scots Writing Competition Entry Guidelines. To find out more, please visit our website: https://linenhall.com/ulster-scots-writing-competition/
Cahoots NI: presents The Ghost House, 14-31 Oct, Cityside Retail and Leisure Park. Journey into a shadowy world of shipwrecks and sword fights, through the thin veil that separates our world from the world we call, ‘the past’. Secrets emerge and things definitely go bump in the night in this seriously spooky story! The Ghost House is a walk-through theatre experience in a custom built, multi-space set, featuring live performances, magic, digital technology and dance from Cahoots, makers of The Grimm Hotel (BIAF 2021).
Strand Arts Centre: For more information visit www.strandartscentre.com
Grand Opera House: presents a series of shows including the highlights below:
- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 4-9 Oct
- Northern Ballet, The Little Mermaid, 12-15 Oct
- Martin Hayes and the Common Ground Ensemble, 25 Oct, part of the Belfast International Arts Festival
- Paul Carrick, 26 Oct, part of the Belfast International Arts Festival
For tickets and the full programme please visit www.goh.co.uk
Lyric Theatre: presents a new programme for 2022/23 with highlights including,
Propaganda: A New Musical, by The Belfast Ensemble, 8 Oct – 5 Nov.
With a Broadway influenced score, a live 14-piece orchestra and stellar cast, Propaganda promises to be a musical for our time. Commissioned by the Lyric Theatre, and developed with the Lyric New Writing department, Propaganda: A New Musical by double Ivor Novello- nominated composer Conor Mitchell is an old fashioned Soviet love story
Big Man: a new Lyric Theatre Production written by Paul McVeigh and starring Tony Flynn, 27 Oct – 13 Nov.
Holding hands across Ardoyne, two men in pursuit of love move beyond the barrier of age and conflicting gay experience in Paul McVeigh's latest play.
Big Man is an evocative one man show that explores love at first sight and whether it ever truly works out. Held together by their shared working-class background and experience of devastating loss, what if the very things that brought them together end up pulling them apart?
For further details on all events and to buy tickets visit www.lyrictheatre.co.uk
Millennium Forum Derry-Londonderry: presents a new season of music, comedy, theatre and more. Highlights include:
- Comedy with Jimeoin, 8-9 October
- Adam Wins the Internet, 12 October
- Down by the River Saile, a new play by Ronan Carr, 13 October
- Blood Upon the Rose, 14-15 October
- City of Derry Choir Festival Pass, 19-23 October
- Polish Radio Choir, 20 October
- Moves and Melodies, 20 October
- Rajaton, 21 October
- Dufule Requiem, 21 October
- City of Derry Choir Festival International Competition, 22 October
- City of Derry Choir Festival Closing Gala Concert, 23 October
- The Wizard of Oz, 25 October
- Bridesmaids of Northern Ireland, 28-29 October
- Lost In Music, 2 November
- Ryan McMullan, 3 November
- Nutcracker Sweeties Ballet, 9 November
Visit www.millenniumforum.co.uk
THE MAC: presents a fantastic programme of events this autumn and winter with this month’s highlights including:
MAC Saturday Art Club: Puppet Emporium, 12 Nov, £3
Come and make your very own puppet from scratch in our puppet-making emporium. An afternoon of family fun in the MAC, kids and their adults will get to make puppets in the style of Indonesian shadow puppetry. The MAC’s exhibiting artist, Ron Mueck, started his career as a puppet maker - after the workshop, don't miss exploring his life-like sculptures in our galleries. The boring bit for parents/guardians: Book a time slot and drop-in anytime within the hour. Recommended activity time: 30mins.
Late Night Art Life-Like Drawing, 6 Oct, £10, 18+
An evening of life drawing in a unique setting.
Inspired by our visitors' drawings in the Common Room, this life-like drawing workshop takes place in the unique setting of the Upper and Tall Galleries, where the figures you'll be drawing are Ron Mueck's life-life sculptures.
With a wealth of inspiration around you, perhaps you'll make your own interpretation of Youth or Dead Dad? Or maybe you just can't look away from the gaze of the monumental woman In Bed?
This workshop is for anyone with an interest in drawing. Everyone welcome, from beginners through to those with some experience. Join us for this unique opportunity to get creative in our galleries.
Led by artist, illustrator and educator Duncan Ross, you'll learn a range of approaches and techniques for working ‘from life’. The sculptural subjects of clothed and unclothed figures will provide an opportunity for study and observation of the human body.
You'll be guided on various techniques such as depicting form, volume, the effects of light and shadow, perspective, foreshortening, composition and proportion, and you can try a range of drawing surfaces and media. The session will include a mixture of short, energetic sketching exercises and longer more in-depth study of a figure.
Drawing materials will be provided. Just 15 places available so book now to avoid disappointment.
How to Fail as a Popstar, 6 & 8 Oct, £15 - £17, All ages
Learn how to fail better with Vivek Shraya.
In How to Fail as a Popstar, the singer and writer tells us about her path to the margins of fame as a “not quite” major popstar with lots of humour and empathy. In a thrilling cabaret-style performance consisting of anecdotes, music, and choreography that straddles all genres, Shraya takes us on a journey through her rise in showbiz, beginning with singing Hindu bhajans and R&B covers when she was young at competitions for teenagers, to moving around, all the way to her first album.
Bittersweet and yet triumphant, How to Fail as a Popstar is a wise and ultimately redeeming pop odyssey: A reflection on the power of pop culture, dreams, disappointment, and self-determination and a celebration of her own authentic voice.
Part of Belfast International Arts Festival’s 2022 focus on artists from Canada.
Supported by Canada Council for the Arts
Gearóid Farrelly: Glamour Hammer, 7 Oct, £16 - £20
After some time sitting on the couch we are back to real life. Trousers instead of tracksuit bottoms and coffee and a biscuit instead of four gin and tonics and half a cheese cake. In this show Gearóid takes a look at the litany of things in our lives that just don’t measure up. Everything from his generic-looking cat to Shania Twain.
He will also be examining the big issues that really sell tickets like mental heath (INSERT SOMETHING SEARINGLY HONEST), Masculinity (grrrr) and relationships (sexy stuff as opposed to splitting bills) and how we’re living in a time when we can say anything we like and it becomes the truth.
MAC Saturday Art Club: Mini Mueck, 8 Oct, £7 per child
Join us in our Playroom for a masterclass in sculpting for 7 - 10-year-olds. Inspired by the extraordinarily life-like sculptures by Ron Mueck, kids will get to sculpt their very own figures with clay, guided by an artist.
Dinner with Groucho by Frank McGuinness, 5-9 Oct, The MAC. ,
An evening that promises blistering wit, brilliant buffoonery, and reflections on the ephemeral nature of life from the award-winning writer of such iconic plays as Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me and The Factory Girls comes this fast-paced fictional dinner date like no other.
Fight and The Resilience of the Body, 13 Oct, £16 - £18. All ages
A rare opportunity to experience the new voices and beats coming out of North Africa. A double bill of meditative, contemporary dance from Egyptian multidisciplinary artist Shaymaa Shoukry, testing the ongoing perseverance of the human spirit, questioning the reality of our internal and external fights, and refining our ability to carry on.
A double bill of meditative, contemporary dance from Egyptian multidisciplinary artist Shaymaa Shoukry, testing the ongoing perseverance of the human spirit, questioning the reality of our internal and external fights, and refining our ability to carry on.
From one of North Africa’s rising stars, this double bill of Fighting and The Resilience of the Body together examines how we might find continuity and perseverance in the world we live in today.
Also, join Shaymaa Shoukry with interdisciplinary artist Youness Atbane to hear more about the arts scene in North Africa after the performance of Untitled 14km on Saturday 15 October.
UNTITLED 14KM, 15 Oct, £16 - £18, 10+
Belfast International Arts Festival welcomes leading Moroccan interdisciplinary artist, Youness Atbane and his one-off installation/performance, UNTITLED 14 KM.
The piece explores how the art world sees and understands contemporary art in its relation to identity, specifically Arab identity.
Many Arab artists have experienced stress and anxiety created by the political realities in their region, and many more share a common subject matter, related to the political and social problems resulting from the loss of part of their land.
Youness Atbane’s latest performance piece examines this through an enacted conversation among fictional characters: an Arab-Andalusian poet, a director of the museum of contemporary art, a curator, and a contemporary artist. The characters are trying to set up an exhibition of contemporary art that analyses the concept of modernism through the interpretation of the poetic writings of the Andalusian Arab era, as well as the analysis of artworks by existing recognised contemporary Arab artists.
UNTITLED 14 KM reflects on negotiations, conflicts, competitions, and illegitimacy, and how this defines a “contemporary Arab identity” in the art world.
Post Show Discussion: Youness Atbane will be joined immediately after the performance by Egyptian dance maker, Shaymaa Shoukry, and author Fatima Daas to discuss the arts scene in North Africa.
Part of Belfast International Arts Festival’s 2022 focus on artists from the Middle East and North Africa.
The Queen In Me, 18 & 19 Oct, £16 - £18
When The Magic Flute’s iconic Queen of the Night refuses to keep singing, theatre and opera combine for a thrilling performance that sheds light on the restrictive notions of race and gender within the opera industry.
The curtain rises on The Magic Flute’s iconic Queen of the Night, ready to sing her highly anticipated aria “Der Hölle Rache,” but tonight, she refuses to play the fallen woman. Tonight, she takes a stand against the expectations that bind her by refusing to sing as prescribed.
In a thrilling performance that combines theatre and opera, comedy and drama, Teiya Kasahara (they/them) explores the many ways that race, gender, and sexuality are policed in the opera industry.
Told through the lens of the Queen of the Night, the show reclaims space for the multitudes of women, trans, and non-binary individuals excluded from the stage, daring to imagine new narrative possibilities for the art form.
Featuring music from La Bohème, Lucia di Lammermoor, Macbeth, Madama Butterfly, Manon Lescaut, Rigoletto, Salome, and The Magic Flute.
Post show discussion: Tuesday 18 October
Part of Belfast International Arts Festival’s 2022 focus on artists from Canada. Supported by Ontario Arts Council & Canada Council for the Arts.
On The Shelf, 9 – 23 December, various times, £12.50 - £20
A Christmas show that’s strictly for grown-ups. Starring Tara Lynne O’Neill (Ma Mary from Derry Girls) as Paula who, this Christmas Eve, finds herself firmly back on the shelf. Following its sold-out run in 2018, this smash-hit comedy is back with an updated version for the MAC that’s bigger and better than ever.
It’s Christmas Eve. Paula has a list and she’s checked it twice. She has the flat, the car and the career. Now all she wants for Christmas is the ring! Her boyfriend has other ideas though and she ends up back On The Shelf.
Faced with spending a lifetime of Christmases alone, she decides to peel off the spanx, pour a drink or twelve and dish the dirt on love, life and turning 40. Like the rest of Paula’s night though, things don’t quite go to plan with the arrival of an unusual and unwanted house guest (Chris Robinson (Bouncers).
Join The MAC for a laugh-out-loud cracker. Time to get together for a guaranteed great night out this Christmas. https://themaclive.com/event/on-the-shelf
DU Dance (NI): presents Belfast Boys, physical dance theatre for boys aged 7-11 years at the Crescent Arts Centre. Classes at 2-3pm every Saturday. No experience is necessary. Book at info@dudanceni.com
Echo Echo: presents Introduction to Body Wisdom Movement for Over 50s on Tuesday evenings 7pm - 9pm at Echo Echo's studios on Magazine Street, Derry-Londonderry. Join Echo Echo for a short introductory evening course in Body Wisdom Movement and Dance for the over 50s led by Echo Echo's Artistic Director Steve Batts.
Any men and women 50 years and upwards can join, no matter the level of physical ability or experience. To register please visit https://www.echoechodance.com/whatson/introduction-to-body-wisdom-movement-dance
For more details on al of Echo Echo’s classes and events visit www.echoechodance.com
Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich presents
- Stiúdió Cuan are delighted to announce that An Cosán Draíochta, a new body of work created by wellknown musician and composer Johnny Óg Connolly in honour of his father, Johnny Pháraic Phíotair will be going on a national tour this autumn. During lockdown, Stiúideo Cuan commisioned the famous mileaoidean Johnny Óg Connolly to compose new music in honour and in memory of his father. Cultúrlann is delighted to present this new work in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich on Sunday the 23rd October 2022.
- Poetry Jukebox. Poetry Jukebox are #ChangingTheMessage! This project aims to share beautiful, profound and life-affirming words and change the words on our streets, opening hearts and minds, putting poetry to work where it belongs: everywhere, for everyone. As well as pressing buttons on the physical jukebox outside the Cultúrlann, poetry-lovers will be able to listen online at https://www.culturlann.ie/en
Crescent Arts Centre: has launched a new season of the Crescent’s Creative Learning Programme where you can explore a hobby, brush up on your creative talents, or have a go at something new. Visit https://crescentarts.org/courses
Seamus Heaney HomePlace: has released details of their new winter-spring 2022 seasonal programme of events. Visit www.seamusheaneyhome.com for tickets and information.
Declan McConaghy Show: Newry based former BBC broadcaster, Declan McConaghy has created a new serfies of short films where he talks in-depth to creatives from Newry and the surrounding area who have made a contribution to theatre, music, dance and the performing arts in general. The view the films visit https://www.facebook.com/DMCSHOW or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaH9LxmhE8O1Af3Csk-k6vA
Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich: is offering events and courses in abundance with something for all. Further information on all events, workshops and courses can be found in their programme available on www.culturlann.ie
Open Arts: Poetry, music, art and dance will combine in 'Weaving Threads', a new show from arts and disability charity Open Arts which will be performed at the Crescent Arts Centre on Sunday 9 October as part of the Bounce Festival. The multi-artform performance brings together dancer Cinzia Savonitti, musician and dancer Mary Lou McCord and poet Andrew Ward, who have all been awarded funding from University of Atypical to produce their own work.
Tickets for 'Weaving Threads' on Sunday 9 October, 2pm-4pm, are £3 and can be booked online now at www.universityofatypical.org/bounce/
Cathedral Quarter Arts: presents Fionn’s Window. Visitors to Belfast’s historic Cathedral Quarter are invited to divine their way around the area in a journey of discovery and inspiration which has its origins in the Druidic traditions of our collective past and the mythology that has endured.
Following on from last year’s successful Ogham Grove installation for Culture Night, the Cathedral Quarter Trust (CQT) is presenting Fionn’s Window, named after Irish hero Fionn MacCumhaill, a warrior chieftain and druid. Fionn’s Window launched on June 21, to mark the Summer Solstice. Fionn’s Window comprises a series of hand-made wooden plaques, representing each of the twenty-five Ogham characters. The plaques have been placed in various locations around the Cathedral Quarter, enabling visitors to divine their own journey and answer their own personal questions. Read more at www.culturenightbelfast.com
Crescent Arts Centre: has a new term of classes to book and enjoy now. Fancy learning to speak some Italian before your holiday to Italy this year? Well now’s your chance! From visual arts, language classes, acting, dance, music making and more, there’s something to tantalise all tastes. Visit www.crescentarts.co.uk
Duncairn: has released details of their new programme of theatre, music and digital classes. Highlights include:
- 8 Oct Live music with Clare Sands
- 23 Oct Live music with Damien O’Kane and Ron Block Band
For Further details visit www.theduncairn.com
Duncairn Player: all of the previous video projects can now be viewed from the Duncairn Player including The Duncairn Virtual Cabaret, Take 2, Carlingford and the Ring of Guillion Sessions. Visit https://www.theduncairn.com/player
Greater Shantallow Community Arts: presents Spill The Tae Youth Led Podcast from the young people at Studio2/GSCA. This amazing group of creative young people have launched their very own podcast and it can be found on Spotify or Apple Podcast. The young people plan, host, interview and edit the Podcast. To date they have interviewed some of their local MLA’s, Councillors, survivors and local Derry’s own Serena Terry, creator of Mammybanter. As well as this they have a voice and a safe place where they can openly talk about mental health and what it means to them.
As well as having a voice the young people are developing their communication skills, confidence and self-awareness as well as learning skills in sound engineering and digital editing, skills they can take with them into their future career paths. You can find the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast but also by clicking this link below.
Eden Place Arts Centre: has an exciting range of courses and workshops to get your creative juices flowing including wood sculpture, Inner Lanscapes, Abstract Art, Ceramics, Painting for Beginners, Contempoary Botanical Watercolours, Landscape Painting Life Painting, Spinning and Weaving plus Portrait Painting, among others. All courses are designed for adults aged 18+. Visit www.edenplaceartscentre.com
Wheelworks: unique to WheelWorks Arts is their state of the art ArtCart — a mobile arts studio that travels to your venue and opens up to provide an additional studio space for workshops and is packed full to the brim with digital equipment such as ipads, music and film making technology.
Virtual ArtCart activities take place at your own venue. Where outdoor space is limited, Wheelworks bring the ArtCart creativity inside your centre. They also come with a full outdoor suite — marquees, stage sound, lighting and outdoor heaters.
This unique space allows your young people the opportunity to experience professional equipment in a custom-made studio. It allows your centre to offer a range of socially distance spaces and utilises outdoor space.
This Halloween they have a selection of fun, 2 hour projects to offer your young people, aged 10-18, in a variety of traditional and digital artforms!
To book your perfect digital and arts activities just email lisa@wheelworksarts.com and visit www.wheelworksarts.com
Streetwise: Fancy learning how to juggle and other circus skills?! In response to Covid 19 Streetwise Community Circus has developed a team of tutors who are now working via Zoom to reach out to those who can no longer participate in workshops. To take advantage of this opportunity all you have to do is email Streetwise on streetwiseathome@gmail.com. Suitable for participants who range in age from 8 to 80 plus.
Arts Care: has a wonderful range of arts activities available online on their Arts Care 4U Premium +, their online arts delivery channel that everyone can access. Arts Care’s new dedicated online arts and well-being workshop resource, ‘Break-Time’, accessed via their website to support the mental, emotional and physical well-being of children and young people through the Arts. New art, music, dance & exercise, drama, creative writing and clown doctor’s CDTV videos will be uploaded regularly and it’s all FREE. Visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ85xLA2BlQQdrnWBhKw1hw